The impetus of his blog was to to record my thoughts (opinions?) about about Apple Macintosh computers and the Apple OS X operating system.
However my interests are varied so expect to see posts on:
✴ Space, especially the new Commercial Space companies such as SpaceX, Virgin Galactic, etc.
✴ Model Rockets, including building and flying
✴ Mobile computing and developing Mobile Applications
✴ The home page for my iPhone app "Board Feet Easy Calculator"
Also, as a software architect and developer who now using a Mac within an IT Consulting firm, I am specifically interested in how the Mac is used as a development platform. So you can expect to see a slew of computer and development topics:
✴ Macintosh computers and all flavors of OS X
✴ Software engineering (as a craft and trade)
✴ Java and related technologies (such as the Glassfish application server)
✴ JVM languages like Groovy, GRAILS (Groovy on Rails), Scala, Clojure
✴ Adobe Flex (and Air and Flash)
✴ Schema free (NoSQL) databases (such as MongoDB and Couch DB)
✴ And maybe some crazy stuff that you’d never expect
It would be sensible to split these other topics off as separate blogs, which I may do at some point. Until then you can use "labels" to only view topics you're interested in.